UPCOMING FEASTDAYS & BIRTHDAYS: 1 - Fr. Biju Alencherry (Birthday) 11 - Sr. Ans Vallavanthara SABS (Birthday) 14 - Fr. Thomas Aryankala (Ordination Day) 19 - Mabp George Alencherry (Birthday) 23 - Fr. Varghese Mattathil (Feastday) 24 - Abp George Kocherry (Feastday) - Mabp George Alencherry (Feastday) - Br. George (Jojin) Elanjickal (Feastday) - Fr. George Koovakad (Feastday) - Fr. George Lanithottam (Feastday)


Thy Kingdom Come (165*)30-11-13

Today’s gospel Matthew 4:18-22 (Calendar Western)
Fishes are sure to gather at a spot where food is put. Fishing then would become easy with the nets of LOVE. That is why HE for us became concrete food, the food that comes from heaven which is nothing other than Holy Eucharist. But since its range is non universal, I prefer the abstract form of the food, the Word of God. Anyway, both forms of the same food are available in the BOAT. But the question still remains. Who will put the divine food in to the waters of this world???
Jesus says in today’s gospel, “Follow me for I will then make you fishers of men.” (Matthew 4:19)

Thy Kingdom Come (127*) . Bro. Joseph Alex (APPU)
Today’s gospel Luke 12:8-12 (Calendar Western)
Is not God cruel and aristocrat who demands us to acknowledge him? A 19 M, Kerala once asked me this question referring to Luke 12:9. “I assure you that for those who declare publicly that they belong to me, the Son of Man will do the same before the angels of God. But those who reject me publicly, the son of Man will also before the angels of God” (Luke 12:8-9).
All those who have the same doubt, go refer the following verse: “Whoever says a word against the son of man can be forgiven;.....” (Luke 12:10).
I know of a person who thrice did say that he did not belong to Jesus. Later but he repented to say thrice that he  truly loves Jesus. Yes, Peter stands a hope for us. The key of heaven is not far from you too. 

Thy Kingdom Come (113*) - Bro. Joseph Alex (APPU)
Today’s gospel Matthew 9: 32-38 (Calendar Western)
It is not necessary that a person come to believe in God on seeing a miracle. Only those who have the light to see the miracles as signs from God would come to faith. In today’s gospel, as Jesus heals the dumb, many were amazed and believed in HIS divinity. But some (Pharisees) still didn’t believe. They not only discredited HIS act, but also charged HIM of driving demons using the prince of devils. Even in our time exist such persons & this adds to my pain.
With an increase in demand, supply should also increase or else the entire economic system would crash. But even if supply meets the demand, if no supplier is available, the result would be the same. That is why, HE said: “The harvest is rich, but the labourers are few, so ask the Lord of the harvest to send labourers to his harvest” (Matthew 9: 38)

Thy Kingdom Come (113*) - Bro. Joseph Alex (APPU)
Today’s gospel Matthew 9: 14-17 (Calendar Western)
On the Mount of Sinai, HE exposed HIS Laws written on stone tablets so that HIS people may keep them in their heart & follow them. But hearts hardly accepted the heart of HIS Laws. On the Mount of Golgotha, HE exposed HIS heart (love) so that all may inscribe the NEW LAW of LOVE in their hearts. The reason to obey HIS LAW is also revealed here: LOVE. Obedience without reason will make one’s life hell. Love HIM, and then you will obey HIM. Obey HIM, and then you will love HIM.
The same is the underlying condition for fasting & prayer. Fasting & prayer should always sprout from heart out of LOVE, which the Pharisees never understood. Let us therefore give ears to HIM: “No one puts a piece of unshrunken cloth to an old cloak, because the patch pulls away from the cloak and the tear gets worse. Nor do people put new wine in to old wineskins, if they do, the skins burst, the wine runs out, and the skins are lost. No; they put new wine in to fresh skins and both are preserved” (Matthew 9: 16-17)

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